Academic year 2024
We had an year-end thanks party (Dec. 27)
We held the party in a restaurant in Ookayama to thank the year of 2024 and everybody in our lab.

Assistant Prof. Riku Enomoto and Dr. Xiaohan Wang were awarded. (May 30)
They were awarded at the 61st National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan held in Kobe. Congratulations!

Academic year 2023
Dr. Paul joined our lab (Mar. 1)
He is a new researcher. Welcome!

Ms. Miao joined our lab (Sept. 28)
She is a new doctor course student. Welcome!

We attended the 17th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-17) in Cape Town, South Africa (Aug 14-18)
Cape Town International Convention Centre, the venue.

The road in front of the venue to the hotel.

We received our badges at the reception desk.

Inside the convention centre.

A view from the venue. We could see the Table Mountain nearby.

Scene from the opening ceremony on the first day. It started with beautiful chorus songs.

Scene from the panel discussion session.

Poster presentation by Dr. Enomoto, who attacted many audience to listen to.

Poster presentation by Ms. Wang, explaining her results to the audience.

Our dinner at the hotel one day.

V&A Waterfront in the dusk (1).

V&A Waterfront in the dusk (2).

We attended the 60th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan in Fukuoka (May 25-27)
We were lucky to have good weather during the conference.

We all successfully completed our presentations. We have many Q-and-As from the audience.

Academic year 2022
Weng-san joined our laboratory (Nov. 2)
Weng-san has joined our team. Welcome!!!

Wang-san received Best Presentation Award from international conference ATPC2022 (Oct. 20)

We had a farewell party for Dr. Ikeda(Sept 30)
He starts to work for the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) at Yokosuka from this October.

We went out for the lab seminar. (June 10)
It was a nice building.

We took the group photos. (May 30)
Weather outside was very fine.

We attended the 59th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan in Gifu (May 18-20)
Dr. Ikeda and Mr. Enomoto won the Awards. Congrats!!!

Enomoto-san (third person from the left) just after receiving the Excellent Presentation Award.

Enomoto-san presenting his research results in front of the audience.

We (4 students, 1 postdoc, and 1 prof) attended the real-space conference for the first time in a long time.

Luo-san joined our laboratory (May 6)
Finally Luo-san has reached Japan and joined our team. Welcome!!!

We have moved to the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy on April 1, 2022
We started the photo album.